a tale of tile - pt.4

So here we have it: the final tiles from the full process over these past few months.

And yes this has all been for just over 1 square-meter of wall space in the bathroom, but yes, it has all been worth it.

[ read about it: part 1, part 2, part 3 ]

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking of calling our contact at the forno to see how everything had been going - since we’d heard back in January they were going to contact us to let us know when we could come and watch the final tiles being made and fired. But also since we’ve been under pretty hard lockdown again, I figured that the process would be going a bit slower. However, the very next day we received a photo from him with the full stack of finished tiles completed with a note saying that we could come and pick them up whenever we wanted.

When we arrived he showed us around and went over what they’d done (since we weren’t able to come this time and help) and then invited us to come another time if we wanted to try our hand at some of it ourselves. He’d carefully packaged all of the tiles and helped us load them up in the car.

I told him that I’d be looking to commission a couple of large-scale outdoor potters as well and would let them know if I needed any more of these specific tiles as well. So he kept the original mold he’d made just in case, but said that when I knew for sure that I wouldn’t need any more then he’d give me the mold as well. It’s so beautiful on its own that it will definitely have a place hanging on the wall of the house somewhere as well.

Now it’s to mounting these up in the bathroom niche where they belong!


cutting stone


a tale of tile - pt.3