roofs and walls

This past week has been one of those periods when the progress on the house is quite visible.

The week began with the final wooden shuttering and ceiling tiles being put in place for the final roof section. It was the first time that this room (the main bedroom) looked like a room at all. I was a bit pleasantly surprised at how high the ceilings were from inside. And by Tuesday afternoon, they’d readied it for the concrete pour which was complete by that evening. Now it sets for another week before the supports are removed.

In the meantime, while that was drying, they removed all of the supports from the studio ceiling since that roof had completely set and cured. Then they began work on the main walls of the studio, and I spent Thursday morning on site to decide where the windows were to be placed. There was an idea on the plans, but it was something that was best decided on site based on the exact view that each provided. I decided on a smaller square on the north side which over looks the neighbors olive grove, and the larger picture window over the staircase which gives the view towards the lake. 

I’d left on Thursday before they’d fully finished the walls, but returned on Friday and most of the blocks had gone up. It looks like a proper room now and I can imagine doing my yoga practice in here with no distractions. A morning practice with soft light coming from the north, or the view of the sunset over the lake in the evening. 

Before I left on Friday we went over all of the interior walls, and any little adjustments that might want to be made, as they’ll start to get these completed while the bedroom ceiling is drying. It’s coming up towards the end of the main structure phase of the project which seems crazy! I also met with the electrician/plumber at their office on Friday to go over the final details of the water systems, solar panels, and even the type of light switches. The underfloor heating installation will be the next main step to start with once the structure is complete.

And here we go entering into September already. This year has crawled by and yet flown by all at once.


a week of progress


antiques & junk shops