things found and made

One of the parts of this process that I’ve really looked forward to is deciding on the details and furnishings of the interiors. As the rooms are taking shape and a next phase now is beginning after the structural part is coming to a close, I find myself visualizing the spaces a bit clearer. 

Most people that know me know, or can guess, that I love a spreadsheet. And there are several spreadsheets I have going for this project - from finances, vendor information, current outstanding quotes and pros/cons of each, and now there is one for the entire list of lighting details as well as one for every piece of furnishing and detailed item that is still needing to be sourced.

And now just having this list available helps me organize my thoughts when we go hunting at vintage and antique stores and markets, or even as I sketch some designs to have made by the local smith or carpenter. Hanging pendent here, 3 articulated sconces there, one antique terra cotta vessel for a niche in that room, or metal handles for the cabinets in that room…

Earlier in October we took a few days and drove down to Sicily for a little scouting trip and went to the antiques market in Catania one morning which was one of the highlights. I found a few smaller items and considered a stone sink but then decided against it. But a few weeks later we did one of the normal weekend rounds in our area of about four different used/junk stores and found a great mirror for the guest bathroom and another possibility for the bedroom which I didn’t commit to just yet but am keeping my eye on.

Then a couple of weeks ago we met at the site with the local fabbro (blacksmith) who does great work to discuss the ever-growing lists of projects that I’d like to commission him to do - from the front gates and the outdoor built-in flower containers that border the flat roof, to the handles of the kitchen cabinets, custom “cages” for the old wine demi-johns that I’m making into the dining room lights, and the base of the dining room table. I arrived with a full itemized list for him complete with printouts of inspiration photos, drawn sketches, and full specifications. 

Although I wasn’t sure he’d be interested in taking on some of the super small detailed pieces since they normally do really large commissions around the area, but he didn’t seem phased and said that all of these were do-able. I’m now waiting on the preventivo (quote) and then we could even get started on a few of the pieces that don’t require the building to be complete.

In the meantime, I’m scouring vintage sites online (sometimes for multiple hours a day) to find just the perfect pieces for some of the other items in my spreadsheet. So far I’ve ordered lights for 3 areas and am very happy with the decisions…although I’ve only opened them to re-pack them right away and put in the growing stack of storage boxes. 


it’s the inside that counts


it’s a funny thing, time