2021 roundup pt.4

friends on the roof visiting to see the progress

As the autumn approached we continued forward and onward and hoped to get as much done as possible before the colder/wetter winter approached.


At the beginning of October I returned from another retreat for work down in Ischia. And as soon as I got back things were getting checked off the list. Inside I explained the measurements for the bathtub and counters for both main bathrooms which were then constructed out of ‘pepperino’ - a volcanic stone which works well for strong shapes, but will be covered in resin later and just becoming a sculptural element in the room. It was fun making the exact measurements for the tub as it’s made specifically for my size (since more than likely I’ll be the only one using it). Plus, it comes with the most amazing corner view!

In the studio, we got on with the finishing plaster as this is the trickiest room to work in since we have to construct temporary scaffolding in the 2-story tall area over the staircase. Because of this, I wanted to get this room done first so we could move out of there with the extra building materials. I decided on a dark grey here to be a more inward-calming space and am very happy with the results. This will be the only one in something other than neutral and also the only one with floors other than resin. In here we’re using these antique reclaimed teak tiles from India which we found here. So I think it will lend itself to a very warm and welcoming space for yoga.

Then a steel platform was installed over part of the staircase which will be for extra floor and storage space…I plan on using it for a narrow storage cabinet and also a large Zen-like vase and branches.

Outside the site was looking quite well kempt and the stone work continued to move forward with another wall on the courtyard side being completed. More corten galley frames were installed around these windows as well. On the backside of the house two large steel cages for sliding shutters arrived from Florence and were finally installed - something we’d been waiting on for months. But now that these were in, it meant that the final back wall could move forward with the stone facing as well…the final one to go with this material!


The first week of November both J and I headed to Venice for a retreat we were leading together. It was nice to get away, be in one of our favorite cities, and meet up with a lovely group of guests. Then we spent a couple of days on a scouting trip in Lake Como before coming back to see how things had been going on site.

The stone mason had been getting on with things and was starting around the final back wall. The red blocks are slowly but surely starting to disappear and I am very happy with the work so far. There were a few more spots around that needed the final concrete pour and so these were completed in one day including the private terrace off of the main bedroom, the garage (which had also been recently primed), and a few small spaces inside as well.

The interiors were moving along contemporarily. I had the mason build a block shelving unit in the entrance to the main bedroom which will mostly be used for a minimal display case with a few objects, and will be covered in the same finishing plaster as the walls. We finally finished the dark plaster in the studio as well as one side of the hallway…slowly getting the technique of this Venetian style material. Each of the 3-4 coats gets thinner and fills in any tiny unevenness of the wall surface so that the final coat naturally shines and creates these beautiful strokes as you use the steel spatula to apply.

In the living room a ledge which will serve as a bench, the bottom of the fire place, and some storage underneath, started to go in. It will as well be covered in the finishing plaster and then we must construct the fireplace hood above it.

…to be continued…


2021 roundup pt.5


2021 roundup pt.3