favorevole con prescrizioni

We have passed one of the biggest hurdles thus far in this process. A week ago today the city commission finally granted the go-head and I think a collective sigh was heard amongst the entire group of people involved.

late sunflowers of the season beside the land

late sunflowers of the season beside the land

"Favorevole con prescrizioni"

"Favorable with prescriptions". This is the phrase I've been wanting to hear since the beginning of the year, and although "favorevole" may have been one step better, at this point any small changes they are requiring I will be happy to do given that now the project has been approved overall and the process can begin. The comune seemed to have gotten behind the idea of this project and after an in-person meeting last month with the architects, engineers, and main technico at the city, we received word that they were very agreeable and were trying to help us find solutions to any hinderance that our project was finding against the city ordinances.

As I mentioned in previous posts, after being pushed back and halted in August and September, we imagined there could have been a general sense of disagreement to the project amongst the commission members and were a bit nervous, but wanted to tread lightly and find a solution. So in a very 'over-and-above' act, my architects took it on themselves to make a personal appointment to see the technico, as well as travel down from Florence for the meeting which seemed to turn the direction of the city’s opinion around and the technico from the comune even wanted to do the full presentation of the project to the board of commissioners himself. They'd brought to the meeting with them the model of the house, which he also asked to have during the presentation which was slated to happen on October 8.

October 8 came while we were on a trip to Malta, but I woke up that day trying not to think too much about the impending outcome, but knowing it was slated to happen around 10:30 that morning and seeing that it was already mid-afternoon I became a little worried and gave the geometra a call. He said unfortunately two of the members couldn't make the meeting so it was rescheduled for the following week.

On the 15th we found out in the afternoon that all of the hard-work, the months of preparation, and the many crossed fingers had come to fruition: "Favorevole con prescrizioni".


il plastico


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