il plastico


quando posso venire per riprendere il plastico”? The engineer was calling to find out when he could come by and get ‘il plastico’ before the next city commission meeting.

la plastica? non ho capito” We didn’t understand what piece of “plastic” he was referring to.

plastico. il plastico” He didn’t understand what wasn’t to understand. Nor how else to say it.

er… il plastico della casa. La piccola casa.”

ah! The model of the house, which we were looking after since the initial meeting with the city the previous month. They were needing to take it once more for the official commission meeting where the results would be voted on.

It wasn’t “la plastica” a piece of plastic. It was “il plastico” a model version of the house.

How important those masculine vs feminine identifiers are in this language. Another one too add to my ever-growing vocab list.

But back to the more important subject at hand: Il plastico!

Remember several months ago when I first was able to see glimpses of the 3D computer version of the house? The architects told me at that time that they were also going to be building an actual physical model of the house! I didn’t know this ahead of time and wasn’t expecting it so it came as a lovely surprise…and an even better one when I actually saw the finished product.

Foto 21-09-19, 17 56 08.jpg

I never had a dollhouse growing up. Not because I was denied one, only because I had no interest. Neither did I have the slightest concern for any type of doll. Baby, Barbie or otherwise. I mostly stuck to legos, cardboard boxes, and crafting. Not sure what that says about me… But now, at almost 40 years old, I finally have my first miniature house to play with and I couldn’t be more excited.

The roofs even can be removed. There are pieces of plexiglass in place of windows and glass walls, as well as little dried tiny plants in place of the olive grove.

Since the land is at a slight slope and the house, although for the most part on a single story besides one layer over the garage, is quite stepped and varied in levels throughout. Now seeing it in a 3D version that I can actually play with, I’m finally wrapping my head around the full scope of the vision.


on my land


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