july updates

I’ve been thinking of the subject of this next post, without anything specific coming to mind. Yet, so much has been going on that I figured it at least warrants a general update if nothing else.

start of the second level

A few days ago I had one of those moments where I felt a bit overwhelmed with the number of plates spinning at the same time in regards to this project - but at the same time realized none were completely time-sensitive. I’m just not used to having so many open-ended tasks going on, most of which require a final decision from one part to continue with another part, which leads to this ever spinning circle of unfinished decisions and an ever-growing to-do list.

However, a few things have been finished in the past couple of weeks. After the workers took about 2.5 weeks off from most of the work (I believe it was scheduling at another project), they got back to work pouring the overhangs on the main section of the house (which have already made quite a difference in the shade and cover that you feel inside now), as well as pouring the staircase up to the second level. This was quite a little milestone which really made the house feel more real - before they were done, we had to scale ladders on the outside to reach the upper level, and now it’s more incorporated. 

The pillars and scaffolding went up on the second level as well which has caused some nervousness on the part of the neighbors, but it looks much larger with the equipment for sure. Luckily for the most part, everyone has been very supportive and when we went to visit with some of them last week, they assured us that things were ok and not to worry as they understood it will be worth waiting for and of course building sites look like this, etc etc. It does make me a bit anxious as I’m very sensitive that the house seems as the least impactful to the landscape, but it’s hard in the meantime when the entire site is exposed. We’ve spoken to the builder about perhaps moving a few things up on the timeline like filling in more of the earth at the front of the house where the underground level is showing, and even had an appointment with the garden designer this past week to see what initial plantings I can start before the full project is complete. 

Other than the building taking place, these are the other vendors I’ve been working with (all at once!):

• Garden designer (mentioned above) who I’m making a final sketch of the basic ideas of placement for them so they will then take it and complete a full design (complete with drone shots)

• Lighting designer - another appointment we had this week (to London via Zoom…what would we do without Zoom these days?) discussing phase one of getting the final diagrams ready for the electrics. Then in the meantime she gave me the assignment to make notes and drawings on “how I will be using each space”, “what pieces of furniture will I have”, “where will the furniture be placed”, etc. 

• Falegname (woodworker) - the assignment from the lighting designer correlates a bit with the meetings with furniture makers we’ve had this week who will be working on the kitchen and various other pieces of furniture. They are doing an on-site visit tomorrow to get a better idea about the space.

Fabbri (iron workers) - there is a family-run metal worker shop in town who have a great reputation and have done a lot of work for J as well as some other projects in town which I love. I’ve asked them to quote for the main entrance gate as well as the built-in planters which are located around the property and some other touches inside. This week I should have the main estimate.

Marmista (marble cutter) - there are three companies which I’ve been communicating with trying to find the right slab, then deciding on the transport, who makes the kitchen island frame, what cuts are best, etc. These are still up in the air and on-going. I guess when you’re dealing with pieces that are each unique, you have to just wait until nature gives you one that you connect with.

• Infissi (fixtures / doors / windows) - I knew that this was going to be a big part of the build, and a very important one, as the glass and modern fixtures are such a part of the overall design. Luckily I just made the final choice yesterday regarding who to go with, and am satisfied with their reputation, product, and cost. 

• Impianti (plumbing / electrics)- this is the main next step in the building process which I need to make a final decision on which company to go with very soon. I’m only waiting on one last quote regarding the solar panels and then the decision on the company and overall system can be finalized.

All this may be quite boring to read I’m now realizing. But it actually feels good to organize them in writing for my own thoughts. One of the silver-linings I’m trying to find throughout this super strange year, is that at least now I have some time to really devote to these details. 

And even if they come all at once, I will try my hardest to tackle them one. by. one.




sourcing stone