life of a cork

You may remember this cork.

It was the one from the bottle of prosecco that I popped at the end of the final closing. Around the table of the lawyer, we shared plastic glasses and a “salute!” to signing the final papers and embarking on this new adventure (officially).

When we’d left the office that evening J handed me the cork in its cage which he’d saved and said that I should bury it in the foundations when they were poured. I agreed that this would be a special touch, so I carefully stashed it away. 

Although the main foundations had been laid, it was all happening during the lockdown period, when although we visited once, there were so many other things going on to think about this. So instead, earlier this week as the first walls were starting to go up I grabbed the cork and headed over to the site.

They know that I like to know when big next steps are starting so that I can be there to watch and document, so they’d given us the heads-up that the walls were set to go up the following morning. We arrived and a few rows had already gone in around the living room, so I chose a block on the main column that is in the entry way and asked if I could place it there.

The blocks are a terra cotta type material with insulation already built inside. On some of the small sections where the block couldn’t be cut to fit, there are just pieces of styrofoam instead. So one of the builders cut a hole for me to fit in the cork, which they found amusing after I said it was for “buona fortuna” (good luck) and let me plaster it in. Now I know that it will always be there and a part of the house brought from the initial celebration.

Cheers to that!


not going anywhere


emerging structure