plots on a computer


Several days ago I stopped by my architect, Claudio's office when I was in Florence to drop off a few things. When the other head architect on my project, Annalisa (who I absolutely adore) saw me she excitedly told me that they're working on the 3D modeling* for the house and would I like to see it! 

Yes, please.

So I crowded around the desk of the woman who was in charge of plotting all of the points into the computer, and although they assured me 'it's still not done yet', I mostly was too excited watching them as they spun the drawing around to see it from various angles, to get a proper video. But I did take a few seconds worth just to remember what I was looking at. Because it's such a varied-level project, it's been a bit difficult to really wrap my mind around where the variations in heights happen, but this immediately put it in to perspective.

Then they turned on the solid surfaces and all of these bright colors came in to view. We all laughed and mentioned, 'don't show this to the city commissioners!' - as we're already pushing some boundaries with the modern design, I don't think they would appreciate the magentas and fuchsias dotting the landscape. No, they assured me, these colors are only to match the key of various surface materials. But I watched with a huge smile that I couldn't really quell, as they turned the model around and then zoomed in to where our view descended into the house as a ghost would float through physical barriers, to see the interiors. It was the first time I feel like I've been inside of my new home. And suddenly everything became that much closer.

*oh, and they said they're building an actual physical model for me as well! With removable roofs and everything. I never wanted a dollhouse as a little girl, but I guess I just needed to grow up a bit first, as I'm very much looking forward to playing with this one.


a nice reminder


concrete below my feet