p.s. what actually is going

p.s. It's funny how my last post seemed complete, but only in abstract terms. So to really update about what has been "going" on, I'll add my 'post scriptum'

Just after getting back from my retreats in Morocco in March and getting together the final wording for how the legal agreement would go, I finally signed the first preliminary contract on Mar 19 (literally hours before leaving early the next morning for a flight to Bali, where I stayed for a couple of weeks on retreat). 

It felt like a significant step in the process, not by any means a complete transfer yet as this project is complicated on the legal side of things and requires many extra steps. But I'm sure I'll get in to all of that later. Once it is completely transferred I'll feel as though I can comfortably talk about where things are and how we got there.


Also, the final designs are being completed by my architect and the land surveys, geological studies, and ecological certifications are in process leading up to the submission of the full plans to the 'commune' at the monthly 'commissione' meeting at the first part of May.


concrete below my feet


it's going